The Story of a Year of Culture

The Story of a Year of Culture

group of children backstage at a show in full animal costumes featuring zebras, a peacock and an eagle
Sodium Films
Part one


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View of the stage at The Awakening from the back of the crowd
JMA Photography - LEEDS 2023
A family take a selfie in front of illuminated transluncent giant balls
Lizzie Coombes

Stories from our year of culture

Explore the real stories, emotions and experiences that connected us as one thriving community. Let's celebrate the inspiring tales that have defined this year and put people at the heart of art.

JMA Photography

Exploring impact

Publishing data as we've gone along is one of the ways we demonstrated our commitment to representation, inclusivity and transparency.

Our data site is up-to-date with the numbers and graphs collated to date that cover volunteer hours, local school engagement, social media reach and engagement with key events. These numbers will be further added to as more data comes in as part of our independent evaluation.

Data on our site is anonymised and safe for you to use in your work.

Useful Links

Look back at our social media channels for more blogs, photos and videos from the year.

LEEDS 2023 Partners

Together, LEEDS 2023 and our indispensable partners Let Culture Loose across every corner of the city. A huge thank you to each of you.